New Synthetic Drums AVP SD-6 inspired by Vintage Analog Gears

AVP shared this video demo of the SD-6, a compact analog drum synthesizer that they say is inspired by the drum machines/synthesizers of the 70s-80s.

Synthetic Drums SD-6 features six independent drum sound sections. It has 23 controls and 7 buttons to control the sound parameters and MIDI. It has five individual audio outputs, a mix output and six individual trigger inputs.

It can be controlled via MIDI or via the 6 individual trigger inputs.


  • Fully analog, using transistors and discrete components;
  • 6 individual sound channels: BD (bass drum), SD (snare drum), CL (clap), CY (cymbal), CH (close hat), OH (open hat) with noise generators;
  • 23 knobs/controls for different sound shaping options;
  • 6 buttons to manually trigger (play) each sound;
  • MIDI In/MIDI thru with learn button;
  • 5 mm individual outputs;
  • 5 mm individual trigger inputs 5V/1mS;
  • 3 mm output;
  • 3 mm headphones output;
  • Steel casing;


AVP SD-6 is available now to pre-order. Find out more on the AVP Synth website.


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