New England Synth Fest is Coming to Massachusetts April 22, 2023

Organizers of the New England Synth Fest, a free event for synthesists and electronic music fans, have announced plans for Spring 2023 event.

New England Synth Fest will be held Saturday, April 22, 12pm to 6pm, in Burlington, Massachusetts, and will feature a day of live music, video art, vendors, exhibitors, lectures, a jam room, and a ‘synthesizer petting zoo’.

The event will feature live music from Christina Shivers, Deftly Demolition, Jade Rose, Metal Tiger, Michael William Gilbert, Repairer of Reputations, Sean Stover, Sherisa Sterling, SHERMVN, s0ak, Thyme & Place, and Tom Eaton. They will be accompanied with live visualization art from Allison Tanenhaus, Anagram,, Jame Coyne, SunJessie, Vidumami, and others.

Also featured will be lectures and talks from Piotr Rotkiewicz, Robyn Alman, Alex Bernhardt, Michael Bierylo, Collin Russell, Peter Raffensperger, Luke Stark, Gerry Bassermann, Joe Paradiso, and Randel Osborne.

There will be a “Jam Room” brought to you by Circuit Happy, using shared CV/MIDI clock on their Missing Link hardware.

Exhibitors include Circuit Happy, Cyran Makes Music, Sequential, Source Audio, Superlative, and Tall Dog Electronics and others.

Admission is free. Check the New England Synth Fest website for details.

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