Mixland releases the Rubber Band Compressor plugin

Results in the video above – Expect Compression that ranges from “bouncy to snappy, transparent to pumpy and explosive”.


The tension is palpable as Mixland releases the Rubber Band Compressor plugin.


Have you heard of a Rubber Band Compressor? Probably not.


That is what you get with Mixland Rubber Band Compressor plugin, though – a VCA-style compressor that simluates the compression effects and physical response of pushing an audio signal into a theoretical rubber band that offers exponential, dual-stage resistance.


The signal is pushed into the ‘rubber band’ and then snaps back “aggressively” – you can adjust the tension, timing and amount. The user interface features adjustable hands that can switch between three different tension positions, with the band’s behaviour representing gain reduction based on the amount of Snap you apply.


In addition, other parameters include crunch and tilt, which add front-end tone-shaping and modelled tube EQ respectively.


The Rubber Band Compressor runs on PC and Mac in VST/AU/AAX formats.


Find out more on the Mixland website.


The Rubber Band Compressor is available now priced at $20, regular price $30




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