Isla Instruments S2400 gets Firmware Update
Isla Instruments has released a new firmware update for the Isla Instruments S2400, a sampling workstation and drum machine described as “The spiritual successor to the greatest drum machine the world ever saw.”
The S2400 OS update includes a long list of fixes and new features:
- Live Looping has had a major overhaul. You can now Live Loop in stereo, have more banks, and set different inputs for each one.
- For those of you with an old-school E-mu SP-1200, there is great news. The S2400 can now import samples and sequences from SP-1200 floppy drive images.
- Then there’s the new Round Robin playback feature that adds variation and generative sequencing to your patterns.
- Miscellaneous weaks and fixes, making this the instrument’s “most stable OS update yet”.
Updating is easy, just download the update copy it to your SD card, and the S2400 will do the rest.
You can find out more about the S2400 at the Isla Instruments website.