How to get IK Multimedia’s $130 T-RackS Comprexxor plugin for free?


If your compressor is failing, this offer comes at the correct timing, and you will struggle to refuse because all that’s required is an IK account and a few minutes of your time.


IK Multimedia is currently giving away its T-RackS Comprexxor plugin that is worth $130, for free – providing you are willing to answer a few questions about studio monitors, that it.


Inspired by Empirical Labs’ Distressor – a supremely flexible and creative analogue hardware unit that’s also been emulated by Slate Digital, Universal Audio and Softube.  Comprexxor offers eight selectable curves, selectable second or third order harmonic saturation, high-pass/band-pass filters on the sidechain path and more.


Comprexxor is described by IK as “The Swiss Army Knife of compressors,”. It runs both as a standalone plugin or within the T-RackS 5 shell. If you do not own the paid version, you can download and install the free T-RackS 5 CS version.


If you want to qualify for a free download of Comprexxor, you will need to have an IK Multimedia account and to complete the brief survey. The offer runs until 20 September 2022.



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