How to Build A Custom Commodore 64-based Synthesizer

Developer Gavin Lyons shared this overview of how to build a custom Commodore 64-based synthesizer.

All the music was made with the Commodore 64 synthesizer using Cythncart, MIDI card and some major mods to make the whole thing portable.

View Lyons website for a full build guide.

Topics covered:

0:00 Introduction

1:56 Preparing the paper

3:14 Replacing the SID chip

4:06 Cyanotype Chemicals

4:38 Midi Connectivity

5:11 Cyanotype Negative

6:08 Controls & Sockets

7:28 Paper for Cyanotype

8:31 Taking the Commodore apart

9:10 Audio Outputs

9:35 Mixing Chemicals

10:21 Video output

11:04 Painting the paper

11:31 Exposing with UV Light

11:55 Developing the print

12:56 A fun session


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