Chilled Dawless Synth Jam with Elektron Digitakt, Waldorf Blofeld, Dreadbox Typhon and Novation Circuit Tracks


Sunday Synth Jam: This video, via French synthesist and producer Guillaume Blanjean (Atlas Castle), captures a live, chilled dawless synth jam, featuring Elektron Digitakt, Waldorf Blofeld, Dreadbox Typhon and Novation Circuit Tracks.


Guillaume Blanjean uses the Digitakt as the ‘brain’ of his system, which looks like it is about to be overgrown the greenery that masks his system’s cabling. His system is pretty compact, but makes effective use of some affordable, but powerful, gears.


Blanjean created this performance as part of a hardware jams challenge, which was to create a jam involving repeating elements, inspired by this quote from Rudolf Steiner, “One can ascend to a higher development, only by bringing rhythm and repetition into one’s life.”


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