Ableton Live 12 Tools for Chopping + Joining MIDI Notes

Composer + author Dennis DeSantis (Making Music Creative Strategies for Electronic Music Producers) shared this in-depth tutorial on using the new tools in Ableton Live 12 to chop and join notes to create complex rhythms.

Video Summary:


“This video introduces Live 12’s new tools for chopping and joining MIDI notes.

You can use this to create very complex rhythms, which I demo by transcribing a few bars of Brian Fernyhough’s ‘Bone Alphabet’ for solo percussion.”


Topics Covered

0:00 Intro

1:49 How to chop notes

2:47 How to join notes

4:17 Bone Alphabet – the 1st bar

11:08 Bone Alphabet – the 2nd bar

14:37 Nested tuplets

16:20 Bone Alphabet – the 3rd bar

24:01 Wrapping up



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