Pangrus Multi MIDI Controller, Filter, Router and Sound Generator



Pangrus shared this video demo of the Multi, a multi-function MIDI device that can be used as a MIDI controller, sound generator, sequencer and more.


The Pangrus Multi is available as a kit or fully assembled. It allows any kind of MIDI filtering and routing operation and it also functions as a bi-directional USB to DIN converter.


Multi is based on the Seeeduino XIAO, so you can program Multi as a simple sequencer, algorithmic arpeggiator, aleatoric patch generator and more.



The Multi is based on open-source software, and several options are already available:

  • drone – a six oscillators drone machine.
  • synth_sequencer – a three oscillatorsmonophonic synth with embedded sequencer. It receives MIDI clock and note messages.
  • bytebeat player – play salgorithmic music, with no instruments and no real oscillators, but a math expression that creates an audio output waveform as a function of time, processed 8000 times per second. The expression has six parameters accessible through the multi knobs.
  • midi converter – a USB to 5 DIN bi-directional MIDI converter.
  • midi metronome – takes the MIDI clock from the 5 DIN midi connector and generates a metronome click on the audio output, to allow acoustic musicians to synchronize their performance to an electronic setup.


Multi is available in limited quantities, priced at $115 as a full kit or $140 assembled.




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