Line 6 MOBILE KEYS 49 Controller
The Mobile Keys premium keyboard controllers provide an exceptional playing experience on your iPhone, iPad, Mac and PC. The Line 6 Mobile Keys 49 keyboard controller features a premium keybed with 49 full-sized, velocity-sensitive keys, Pitch and Mod wheels, Volume and Pan knobs with full MIDI controller range, Octave Up and Down buttons, Sustain and Expression pedal jacks, Bus-powered.
Action is everything, which is why Mobile Keys 49 controller features pro keybeds. The full-sized keys have a consistently solid feel that supports great performances unlike other, lower-quality controllers that feel thin and fragile. From ten-note chords to single-note riffs, Mobile Keys controller has the natural action you need to perform your best all the time.
The Mobile Keys 49 is equally powerful when connected to GarageBand, CoreMIDI Apps or your workhorse DAW. Simply connect your Mobile Keys controller to your device and let the musical ideas flow. The Mobile Keys 49 is compatible with Mac and PC computers, and mobile devices including iPod touch – 3rd and 4th generation, iPhone 4, iPhone 3GS, iPad 2 and iPad. Because Mobile Keys 49 controller is powered by your iPad, iPhone or computer, you can capture inspiration precisely when it strikes. No additional hardware, power sources or downloads needed – you can start making music immediately. Make music as you would in a studio – but do it anytime, anywhere.
Though never sacrifice function for form, the Mobile Keys 49 is still sleek and low-profile while remaining extremely comfortable to play.
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