Latch, New iPad Sequencer is designed for Ambient Music


Seqsual shared this preview for sqsl Latch, described as a conceptual MIDI controller and sequencer, designed for working with drone, textural or soundscape synthesizer patches.

Latch takes a unique approach to MIDI control and latches notes. When you touch one of the pads, the note is activated and held on until new touch on the same pad is registered. The left slider controls the velocity of note to be activated.

Latch can send out MIDI notes, pitch bend and CC values.

There are 16 groups split into 2 banks (a, b, c, … p). Each group has an assignable MIDI channel, color and 8 Continuous Controllers (CC).

Every group also has a looper that records note state changes. Order and velocity of recorded notes is automatically shuffled after loop restarts to create variety. This function can be disabled by activating the group’s LOCK button. Loop playback speed is also adjustable (CLOCK parameter).

Group parameters (CC values, pitch bend, CLOCK and RATE) can be adjusted using sliders or modulated by internal randomizer, with adjustable range (RANGE parameter) and speed (LAG control – left-most slider).

LAG can be applied to parameter changes. When a new value is selected, the change does not happen immediately, but the value is transitioned to smoothly, based on the LAG time (left-most slider).

Setup setting (CC numbers, channels, colors, scale, root and MIDI output) are saved and recalled when app is restarted. Loops are not saved.

*Note: Latch is a sequencer/MIDI controller and does not create sound on its own. It generates MIDI messages which can be used to control software and hardware synthesizers.

The developers also note that Latch was designed for full-size iPads and it is not recommended for iPad Mini users.

sqsl Latch is available now for $19.99.


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