Synthux ‘Simple’, a New Platform enables you design The Perfect Synth



At Superbooth 2022, Synthux Academy has launched Simple, a new platform that promises to make creating your own ‘perfect’ custom synthesizer easy.


Simple is a platform for synth design. The sole purpose of it is to help musicians and makers design and build professional instruments.



The platform is built out of three parts – a community, educational resources and DIY kits.


What is the Simple Kit?


The Simple Kit is a synth DIY kit that is designed to make it easy and fun to build electronic instruments, synths, effects, drum machines etc.


Simple is a community project. All the revenues from Simple are invested back in community activities: the podcast, workshops, the Simple platform and other educational content.


The Simple Kit comes in two editions, with pre-order discounts through May 15:


Simply Packed! €289 // Until Sunday 15th €199 ex.VAT

Simply Brainless €159 // Until Sunday 15th €99 ex.VAT


See the Synthux website for details.





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