Behringer announces Plans for $1,199 Oberheim OB-X clone


Behringer continues its blitz of the synth world, announcing plans for a clone of the Oberheim OB-X, a classic analog poly synth design from 1979.


The company shared previews of the Behringer OB-X, above, and said that they plan to offer an 8-voice UB-X for $1,199 retail.


While details are to come, they shared this with the announcement:


“The OB-X is quite different from other synths, as it uses predominantly discrete circuitry, which makes the design and manufacturing more challenging.


As we recently shared with you, now that we have fully developed the firmware platform for the UB-Xa, we can reuse up to 80% for the next Poly synths such as the UB-X, which will tremendously speed up the development.”


Behringer has previously shared a demo of their UB-Xa prototype, and plans for a UB-Xa desktop model :


The Behringer UB-X is expected to be priced at $1,199. And is still in the design stage, so details on specifications and availability are to come.



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