New Nektar SE61 DAW Controller still manages to pack in the features


Nektar has released the latest stablemate to its SE range. The larger model joins the 25– and 49-key versions. And the Nektar slim new SE61 controller still manages to pack in the features. This time, the MIDI controller manufacturer brings a much-requested 61-key variant to the fold.


The SE61 features 61 full-size velocity-sensitive keys with a synth-action, transpose and octave buttons, with a 30mm volume fader.


Much like the previous 25– and 49-key versions, the SE61 dispenses with all the pads of the Panorama and Impact series’, and despite this, the entry-level range still manages to cram in some extra features. As with most budget USB MIDI controllers, one of the main features you will be looking for is DAW control and Nektar SE range has you covered.

Nektar DAW Controller (SE61)


The super-slimline Midi Controller is USB bus-powered and features plug-and-play capabilities with basic controls for 12 DAWs including transport functions, with the aid of Nektar DAW Integration.


Check out the Nektar website for more info.



The Nektar SE61 Midi Controller comes bundled with Bitwig8, and is available now


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